
  • Blockquote

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Duis non justo nec auge

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Politweet Kurangkan Anggaran

    Politweet telah mengurangkan anggarannya mengenai jumlah kehadiran peserta di Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (KL112) Sabtu lalu kepada separuh.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

  • Vicaris Vacanti Vestibulum

    Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante ui, aliquet neccon non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris duis sed assa id mauris.

Job Vacancies in Johor

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013 0 komentar

Khabar Malaysia - This time we will give you a job. for those of you who are looking for jobs, this is a job for the month of February in Johor Malaysia.
For information on Job Vacancies in Johor more please see below :

Dahtec Scaffold System Sdn. Bhd.
Dahtec is  the specialist for all your scaffolding, shoring and safety equipment needs,  from design through to implementation, and including technical studies, sales,  rental and installation support.

We act as a flexible one-stop shop  to save you precious time. So whether you’re a developer, builder, construction  manager, form worker or event manager tackling major or minor projects in Malaysia,  you’ll find Dahtec wide range of scaffolding products tick all the right boxes  – innovative, durable, credible, competitively priced. We sell quality  Scaffolding and Safety equipment.

Dahtec welcomes your enquiries,  let Dahtec provide the solutions for all your requirements, be it a  infrastructure projects, high rise building, oil & gas, shipyard, aircraft  and etc.

Our service is competitively priced.   We  guarantee a service that is second to none. We warmly welcome customers both in  the domestic and the overseas markets to establish friendly relationships with  us.

Site Supervisor
Based at Johor

1. To montor project schedule and coordinate workers
2. Supervising sub-con and structural work
3. Works carried out in accordance to the drawings
1. Degree/Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Civil) or equivalent.
2. Minimum 3 years of working experience in the related field
3. Computer literacy.
4. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
5. Must able to work independently, with integrity and with minimum supervision.
6. Good attitude and teamwork

Interested candidates are invited to apply online.

Listen Listen Listen !

0 komentar

Khabar Malaysia - This ‘Listen listen listen‘ videoclip has hit a raw nerve amongst the people simply because it encapsulates, in the dramatic 19 minutes or so, what is happening to the people of this beautiful country called Malaysia.

It shows off to devastating effect the huge chasm that exists between those in positions of power and those who they think "depend" on them.

The condescending and humiliating manner in which forum panellist Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Syed Shah Miskin treated UUM student KS Bawani is a reflection of what is happening to the people in reality - the opposite of what 1Malaysia is supposedly promoting.

When a select group of people are given continuous support by the powers that be to do whatever they do without any accountability for their actions, this is what you get - sheer arrogance shown by statements like: "This is my forum, I allow you to speak, When I talk, you listen".

When you talk, she removes the microphone. Isn't this similar to what is happening all around us?

Our leaders treat us like lepers waiting for a BR1M handout. (Just look at the desperate outstretched hands in Semenyih.)

If we do not like it here, we are told to leave.

Look at the ‘cow' (NFC) problems and look at the Scorpene submarine problems. Also let us not forget the ‘Guppy' problems.

All fully exposed but nobody held accountable because Umno and BN cronies are involved and they are untouchable.

I clearly remember former women's minister Sharizat Abdul Jalil literally rolling up her sleeves spoiling for a fight after she was exposed. No shame. No remorse.

Not very different from Sharifah really. Defending the indefensible. Or just sweeping it all under the carpet.

For the record , SW1M still supports Sharifah's views and actions and blames this fiasco on Bawani. I think it will surely S1NK with her.

This organisation is supposed to listen to the problems of women?

With a leader like this who seems to know more about animal problems than human problems?

She has now gone into hiding because she alleges she is being blackmailed. Her next talk show is cancelled for security reasons.

What blackmail?

Her biggest and most damaging act is out there in the open and it is hard to top that. If we can only listen, who will pay to come to your talk?
If no one shows up for the talk show, what security issue would there be apart from dying of boredom?
I hope she is hiding in shame - if she is still capable of feeling shame that is. It is her only hope for redemption.

But if she has learnt from how the country's leaders act, I doubt it - she has most likely been told to hide in a five-star resort till the dust settles.
It is almost comical to see the BN parties trip all over each other trying to distance themselves from Sharifah. "She is not representative of BN. She is no longer with us. She is uncontrollable."

She is the one nobody wants to be seen with - persona non grata.

Coming immediately after the KL112, BN is in panic and on the defensive and has to do damage control. Fast.

I think she is the sacrificial lamb because she is a small ikan bilis who still only talks about how to make a million instead of making millions or billions.
You will notice not one of the sharks have been touched yet.

When the chips are down, and her friends desert her in droves, suddenly Sharifah now knows what it is like to be treated like the pariah that she wanted to make out of Bawani.
We feel sorry for even you, as nobody should be made to feel this way because this is exactly how the people have been made to feel for many years now.

It is not a happy feeling at all. And we want change. And like it or not, with you or without you, Sharifah, change will come.
On second thoughts, we do have a lot of animal problems in Malaysia!


Video Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Hina Pelajar

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Khabar Malaysia - Ramai nak tahu siapa Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Yang Cetus Fenomena “Listen” di laman sosial. Tidak dapat dinafikan lagi bahawa budaya perkataan tersebut telah hangat diperkatakan dan menjadi trademark setiap individu. Video Youtube Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Vs Bawani yang memuatkan rakaman forum yang bertajuk ‘Seiringkah Mahasiswa Berpolitik’ telah menimbulkan kontroversi. Apabila rasa ego terlalu tinggi dan tidak dapat membidas persoalan dari Mahasiswi tersebut, beliau begitu berang sekali dan pelbagai ayat kurang senangi dilemparkan. Antaranya adalah “Listen” sebanyak sepuluh kali.

Foto Sharifah Zohra Jabeen
Sharifah Zohra Jabeen merupakan seorang presiden organisasi Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia dan menjadi pengacara di Forum Mahasiswa UUM Kedah. Malangnya, tindakan kurang matang beliau telah mencetuskan rasa kurang senang dalam forum tersebut. Ramai yang berpendapat agar Sharifah segera memohon maaf atas tindakan itu.

Sumber: Siapa Sharifah Zohra Jabeen Cetus Fenomena Listen | 

Mayat Warga Emas Mangsa Lemas ditemui

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013 0 komentar

Khabar Malaysia - Seorang warga emas yang dilapor hilang ketika mencari siput kepah di pantai Kuala Muda, Penaga di Kepala Batas, ditemui mati lemas hari ini.
Mayat Tan Eng Chuan, 74, ditemui pada pukul 6 pagi oleh pasukan mencari dan menyelamat Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM).

Pegawai Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Kuala Muda Rosmi Din berkata mayat lelaki itu ditemui terapung tidak jauh dari tempat dia dilapor hilang.

"Mayat Tan dihantar ke Hospital Kepala Batas untuk bedah siasat," katanya ketika dihubungi di Kepala Batas, hari ini.

Tan dilapor hilang pada pukul 11 pagi semalam setelah dipukul ombak ketika mencari siput kepah bersama keluarganya.

Politweet Kurangkan Anggaran Peserta KL112

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Khabar Malaysia - Firma penyelidikan trend Twitter - Politweet - telah mengurangkan anggarannya mengenai jumlah kehadiran peserta di Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat (KL112) Sabtu lalu kepada separuh.

Sehari selepas perhimpunan, Politweet menganggarkan seramai 136,037 151,185 orang hadir berdasarkan keluasan kawasan yang dipenuhi para hadirin.

Dalam posting di halaman Facebooknya semalam, Politweet telah menyemak semula jumlah tersebut kepada antara 63,976 dan 78,193 orang.

Ini adalah kerana ia telah mengurangkan keluasan kawasan yang dipenuhi hadirin daripada 424,149.14 kaki persegi kepada 275,532.03 kaki persegi selepas membuat analisis lanjut terhadap gambar dan video himpunan tersebut.

Anggaran kepadatan orang ramai juga meningkat dari 3.5 hingga 4 kaki persegi setiap orang, kepada 4 hingga 12 kaki persegi setiap orang.

Berdasarkan formula ini, Politweet menganggarkan terdapat 19,775 orang di luar Stadium Merdeka ketika puncak perhimpunan itu, dengan margin kesilapan untuk anggaran itu sebanyak 10 peratus.

Pejabat Daerah Dituduh Cabul Wanita

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Khabar Malaysia - Seorang pegawai daerah mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret di Bukit Mertajam hari ini terhadap pertuduhan mencabul kehormatan seorang wanita, tiga tahun lepas.
Roslan Yahaya, 51, didakwa menggunakan kekerasan jenayah dengan niat untuk mencabul kehormatan wanita berumur 29 tahun itu di dalam pejabat pegawai daerah, Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah, Jalan Betek, Sungai Rambai di sini antara 11 pagi dan 1.10 tengah hari, 26 April 2010.

Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara 10 tahun atau denda atau sebat, atau mana-mana antara dua, jika sabit kesalahan.

Terdahulu, Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Amir Hamdzah Othman menawarkan jaminan RM15,000 dengan seorang penjamin, bagaimanapun peguam Anthony Samy yang mewakili Roslan memohon jaminan dikurangkan.

Amir Hamdzah turut memohon mahkamah memerintahkan tertuduh supaya tidak mengganggu saksi kes tersebut.

Majistret Chiang Kian Hong membenarkan Roslan diikat jamin RM8,000 dengan seorang penjamin dan menetapkan 25 Feb depan untuk sebutan semula kes.

Roslan membayar wang jaminan itu.

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